> Adult: Jewish Practice

 [Tapestry COVER]

A clear and comprehen-
sive introduction to all things
Jewish, lovingly conceived and
beautifully written.

Rabbi Harold Kushner,
author of When Bad Things
Happen to Good People

A Spiritual Guide to Holidays and Life-Cycle Events
By Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin

See sample pages & learn more about this book!

The richly woven tapestry of Jewish observance is lovingly explained in this handsome and accessible volume.

Rabbi Cardin--writing as a religious leader, friend, neighbor, wife, mother, and daughter--guides us toward a fuller understanding of Judaism. She invites us to become weavers of tradition; to knit our personal stories together with those of our ancestors and our community; and to honor, savor, and celebrate the sacred in our lives.

This important addition to the Jewish family library presents detailed explanations of each ritual, along with historical, cultural, and scriptural background. By describing traditional rites as well as contemporary innovations--the Passover seder and Miriam's Cup, baby-naming ceremonies and the practice of wrapping the newborn in a tallit--Rabbi Cardin shows how we can honor and add to our tradition.

Supplementary margin notes offer:

  • Examples of ethical wills
  • Personal anecdotes
  • Rabbinic stories, folk tales, and poetry
  • Tips on addressing the "December Dilemma"

Enhancing the volume are exquisite drawings by Ilene Winn-Lederer, a mini-prayerbook of blessings for home observance, and a 20-year calendar of Jewish holidays. Rabbi Cardin invites us to record details of our observance in "Personal Weavings"--favorite holiday recipes, family rituals, and prayers of the heart--so that the Jewish tradition may be renewed and enriched.

The Tapestry of Jewish Time reflects a profound spirituality that inspires us all to contribute to the lush weave of Jewish life.