Big Ideas for Kol Yisrael



  • Prayers and rituals teach us about Jewish values and mitzvot.

  • When we know how to recite prayers, and what they mean, we feel like a participating member of our Jewish community.

Essential Question for Kol Yisrael
What does it mean to be a member of Kol Yisrael?

For more information about the prayers or blessings presented in each chapter, please refer to “About the Prayer” on the opening page of each section in the Teacher’s Editions.

Kol Yisrael big ideas essential questions concepts Hebrew Prayer Prayer book Hebrew  textbook Hebrew CD Prayer CD Hebrew software Hebrew computer program  Learn Hebrew Assessment  Behrman House Prayers of Our People  textbooks  text book

Additional Big Idea for Kol Yisrael 1
Being able to say blessings for Jewish home celebrations increases sh’lom bayit – peace in the home.

Essential Questions for Kol Yisrael 1
Chapter 1  Modeh
How does saying “thank you” help increase shalom in the world and in our homes?

Chapter 2  B’rachot
How can reciting blessings strengthen our connection to God, our families, and kol Yisrael?

Chapter 3  B’rachot Shel Mitzvah
In what ways does performing mitzvot add holiness to our lives?

Chapter 4  B’rachot Shel Shabbat
How do Shabbat rituals help us appreciate Shabbat?

Chapter 5  Kiddush
How does the Kiddush connect us with Jews around the world and with Jews throughout our history?

Chapter 6  Havdalah
What purpose does it serve to have a ceremony that separates Shabbat from the other days of the week?

Chapter 7  B’rachot Shel Yom Tov
In what ways do the holiday mitzvot add meaning to each “yom tov”?

Chapter 8  Mah Nishtanah
Why must we retell the Pesah story each year and see ourselves as if we were freed from slavery in Egypt?

Chapter 9  Birkat Hamazon
How can we partner with God to make the world a better place?

Chapter 10  Shema
How can we fulfill the Jewish teaching: All of Israel is responsible for one another?
Kol Yisrael concepts big ideas essential questions  Hebrew Prayer Prayer book Hebrew  textbook Hebrew CD Prayer CD Hebrew software Hebrew computer program  Learn Hebrew Assessment  Behrman House Prayers of Our People  textbooks  text book


Additional Big Idea for Kol Yisrael 2
Through prayer and action individuals and families come together to form community.

Essential Questions for Kol Yisrael 2
Chapter 1  Barchu
What impact does the tradition of praying with a minyan have on the Jewish community?
Why pray with a minyan?

Chapter 2  Yotzeir Or/Ma’ariv Aravim
How can reciting blessings of thanks for the wonders of creation remind us of our responsibility to take care of our world?

Chapter 3  Shema
In what ways do mitzvot help us fulfill our promise to be loyal to God?

Chapter 4  Ve’ahavta
Why are we commanded to love God? How do we show our love for God?

Chapter 5  Mi Chamocha
Why is it our responsibility to help others who suffer?

Chapter 6  Avot v’Imahot
What does God’s relationship with our patriarchs and matriarchs have to do with us today?

Chapter 7  G’vurot
Why does Jewish tradition teach us that we must be kind and compassionate?

Chapter 8  K’dushah
How can we show respect for God’s holiness?

Chapter 9  Birkat Shalom
Why, according to Jewish tradition, is nothing more important than peace, shalom?


Additional Big Idea for Kol Yisrael 3Kol Yisrael concepts big ideas essential questions  Hebrew Prayer Prayer book Hebrew  textbook Hebrew CD Prayer CD Hebrew software Hebrew computer program  Learn Hebrew Assessment  Behrman House Prayers of Our People  textbooks  text book
Learning prayers and Jewish values prepares us to become b'nai mitzvah and to formally join the adult Jewish community.

Essential Questions for Kol Yisrael 3
Chapter 1  Ein Kamocha/Av Harahamim
How and why do we prepare our hearts and minds to receive the words of Torah?

Chapter 2  Ki Mitziyon, Baruch Shenatan
How are the Land of Israel and the Torah continuing sources of strength to the Jewish people?

Chapter 3  Birchot HaTorah
What do we learn about the Torah from the honors, blessings, and traditions of the Torah service?

Chapter 4  Birchot Hahaftarah
How can we apply the teachings of the prophets to our lives today?

Chapter 5  Aleinu
How can we demonstrate loyalty to God?

Chapter 6  Kaddish
How might reciting the Kaddish comfort mourners and strengthen their connection to God and the Jewish community?

Chapter 7  Ein Keloheinu, Adon Olam
Despite our awareness that God is an awesome power beyond our understanding, why do we and how can we describe God in our prayers?