
Six-Part Unit on Social Learning and the Internet

In this six-part lesson, students will learn about the concept of social justice, the Jewish values it expresses, and how to use the internet to implement social justice work. $0.00$0.00This unit can be presented in six sessions or as a special program at an extended session. Download the entire unit or one part at a time from the blue box to the right. Lesson Summary:  Students will be able to explain why social justice is a Jewish concept. Students will learn how to use the internet, under adult supervision, to engage in social justice work. Students will learn techniques to engage others in social justice using online tools. Printable Lesson:  SocialJustice_CompleteUnit.pdf Additional PDFs:  SocialJustice_intro.pdf SocialJustice_part1.pdf SocialJustice_part2.pdf SocialJustice_part3.pdf SocialJustice_part4.pdf SocialJustice_part5.pdf SocialJustice_part6.pdf SocialJustice_SourceSheetPart1.pdf SocialJustice_SourceSheetPart2.pdf SocialJustice_SourceSheetPart3.pdf SocialJustice_SourceSheetPart4.pdf SocialJustice_SourceSheetPart5.pdf SocialJustice_SourceSheetPart6.pdf

Honest Abe Ain’t No Hillel (or is he?)

Classroom resources can appear in the most unlikely places. Check out this creative Geico commercial that depicts honest Abe Lincoln struggling to reconcile his natural tendency to tell the truth with his desire to avoid hurting his wife’s feelings. Use these texts and lesson ideas to explore President Lincoln's ethical dilemma with your students. $0.00$0.00Here are a few ideas and relevant Jewish texts you might use to explore Lincoln’s thorny ethical dilemma: 1. Play the You Tube video 2. Ask students:

Torah Page - Nisan 5769

This lesson works well before Pesach or Shavuot. Study a text with your students that connects freedom and Torah study. In the accompanying lesson, students will create news segments that demonstrate the link between studying Torah and having a positive effect on the world. Through discussion, a gallery walk and text study, students will explore the concept of freedom and its relation to Torah study. Through Torah study, students will then try to create a social action project that will lead to freedom for others.  $0.00$0.00Verse: There is no free person except someone who is busied with Torah. (Tanna Devei Eliyahu Zuta Chapter 17 Siman 2) Lesson at a Glance: In this lesson, students will create news segments that demonstrate the link between studying Torah and having a positive effect on the world. Through discussion, a gallery walk and text study, students will explore the concept of freedom and its relation to Torah study. Through Torah study, students will then try to create a social action project that will lead to freedom for others. Printable Lesson:  7902lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Jonathan Pollard - Justice Served?

This article details the punishment of Jonathan Pollard, who was convicted in 1985 of spying for Israel, an ally of the United States. Share his story with your students and apply the concept of pidyon shvuyim, redeeming captives to Pollard. $0.00$0.00Published in Heshvan 5767/November 2006click for a printer friendly version (PDF) Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will discuss the concept of pidyon shvuyim, redeeming captives, and apply this idea to Pollard. They will recognize that although Pollard did in fact commit a crime against the United States, his life sentence is disproportionate to the crime and inconsistent with similar cases' outcomes; therefore, working on behalf of Pollard and fighting for his freedom is another form of speaking out against injustice. Printable Lesson:  2701lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Dry Bones Cartoon Additional Resources:  Dry Bones Blog Jonathan Pollard's Sentences Israel Defense Forces Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

The Ethics of Kosher Certification

Read about the ethics of kosher certification and about the new hekhsher tzedek. Studying texts and opinion pieces will help students understand where kashrut and ethics intersect. $0.00$0.00Inez has worn an electronic ankle bracelet since last May, when she and 389 other illegal immigrants were arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents during a raid on Agriprocessors, Inc., the nation's largest kosher meat packing plant. ICE officials allege that plant managers hired illegal immigrants, paid them below minimum wage, and physically and verbally abused them. Additionally, Iowa officials have charged Agriprocessors with multiple violations of child labor laws. Lesson Summary:  Students will study Jewish texts and read several opinion pieces to help them decide where kashrut and ethics converge. Printable Lesson:  3901lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld's op-ed in the New York Times Responses to Rabbi Herzfeld's op-ed from the New York Times Article on hekhsher tzedek

Benevolence Behind Bars

This is the true story of two Jews who recognized that our obligation to perform acts of kindness does not stop at a prison gate. In the accompanying lesson, students will role-play different kindness scenarios and think about how communities allocate resources.  $0.00$0.00  "The world is built with chesed." psalms 89:3 Lesson Summary:  Students will roleplay different hesed scenarios to examine the mitzvah of performing hesed toward all people, even if one must reach beyond his or her own comfort zone to do so. Printable Lesson:  2907lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet List of hesed examples Additional Resources:  Virtual tour of the Eastern State Penitentiary The Aleph Institute (see the video at the bottom of the page, "Families Behind Bars")

With Friends Like These...

In the 2008 presidential election, candidates Senators Barack Obama and John McCain each had an association with a spiritual leader that has caused political trouble. Through games and Jewish texts, students will explore the impact their peers, teachers, and families have on them, and how the influence of associates can be empowering or destructive. $0.00$0.00from BabagaNewz Magazine, Tishrei 5769 / October 2008 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will explore the impact that their peers, parents, and teachers have on them and will play different games to contemplate to what extent one should be held responsible for his or her associations. Printable Lesson:  1901lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Keep the Peace at School

Read about students who were trained in peer mediation.Then use the accompanying lesson to roleplay a conflict scenario with your students and use strategies of mediation to help resolve the conflict. $0.00$0.00David*, a seventh-grader at San Diego Jewish Academy, was merely trying to research his report in a class at school. But Rachel*, in grade 8, seized the opportunity to tease him: When David typed on his keyboard, Rachel did the same. When David banged his fist in frustration, Rachel mimicked his action. Soon the entire class gathered around her, thoroughly entertained by David's impossible and ridiculous predicament. As his classmates laughed, David felt humiliated-and completely alone. Lesson Summary:  Students will roleplay a conflict scenario and use strategies of mediation to help resolve the conflict. Printable Lesson:  8801lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet "Geoffrey Samuels: He Eases the Teasing" Lesson Plan

Jay Feinberg: Healing with Hope

Jay Feinberg, the founder of the Gift of Life Jewish Bone Marrow Foundation, in his search for a bone marrow transplant that could save his life, Jay learned about embracing hope through acts of kindness by strangers. In this lesson, students will explore ways to have a positive impact on others' lives. $0.00$0.00  The shock was so great that Jay Feinberg, 22, felt himself slipping into a dreamlike state as the hematologist related the devastating news: Jay, who had made a doctor's appointment to investigate some flu-like symptoms, had leukemia, a lifethreatening disease. His only chance for survival was a bone marrow transplant, for which he required a genetically compatible donor. Since his two siblings were not matches, he needed to find a stranger to save his life. "Even if a sharp sword rests on a person's neck, the person should not despair of praying for God's mercy." Berakhot 10a Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will explore ways in which they, too, can have a positive impact on the lives of others. Printable Lesson:  6803lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Gift of Life homepage

A Geek's Guide to Internet Glory

Make your mark on the Web--but consider the message you are sending.  What does Judaism have to say about internet posting?  Is connectivity positive or negative? After discussing the messages behind selected YouTube videos, students will plan, script, and produce their own videos.  $0.00$0.00During his 6 minute mega-hit,Evolution of Dance, posted on YouTube last summer, comedian Judson Laipply dances his way through 50 years of rock 'n' roll history. He shakes like Elvis, shimmies like Travolta, and swipes like Timberlake. The hilarious routine-watched by more than 57 million people-catapulted Laipply from relative obscurity to Internet stardom. Lesson Summary:  Students will think about how technology can be used to make a difference in the world and will create a class video and think about what type of message they want to send. Then, they will examine the role Judaism plays in posting to the Internet. Printable Lesson:  2808lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

High Court Limits Students' Speech

This article explores the Supreme Court case Morse v. Frederick and the balance between freedom ofspeech and the disruption of the educational process. Inthis lesson students will look at the issues of the case though a Jewish lens. Workingin groups, students will study texts related to the issue of marit ayin (avoiding theappearance of wrongdoing), and grapple with our responsibility not to incite others to sin. $0.00$0.00from BabagaNewz Magazine, Heshvan 5768 / October 2007 Lesson Summary:  Students will explore the balance in Judaism between personal freedom and the good of the community. They will share their opinions on the Morse v. Frederick case and view it through a Jewish lens. Printable Lesson:  2801lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet and Discussion Questions Additional Resources:  Activity for Students News 'N' Views Story

Time for an Oil Change?

Read this article and discuss the  Jewish view on banning trans fats with your students.   In the accompanying lesson students will create proposals for decreasing their own consumption of trans fats and will also write letters advocating that institutions within the Jewish community work toward the same goal.       $0.00$0.00  from BabagaNewz Magazine, Nisan 5767 / April 2007 Lesson Summary:  Students will study Jewish texts about the community’s role in monitoring the well-being of its members. Students will suggest modifications to their own diets that limit their intake of trans fats. Students will draft letters based on Jewish sources to advocate that schools, synagogues, or companies producing kosher food work toward eliminating trans fats from their products. Printable Lesson:  7701lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Glossary Daily Diet worksheet

Ethics of Donating Human Organs

Read this article to find out the Jewish view of the ethics of donating human organs.  In this lesson, students will study Jewish texts and create kinetic art to depict what Jewish values need to be balanced and weighed in the discussion of organ donation. $0.00$0.00from BabagaNewz Magazine, Shevat 5767 / February 2006 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will study Jewish texts that highlight the importance of pikuah nefesh, saving a life. Students will also create a graphic representation to show the relative weight of the mitzvah to save a life compared to other mitzvot. Printable Lesson:  5701lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Halachic Organ Donor Society

Senator Allen Discovers Jewish Roots

This article explores Senator George Allen’s discovery of his Jewishheritage. In the accompanying  lesson,students will research other notable figures who areJewish and who draw upon their Judaism to achieve success. They will then stage a forum in which one student,acting as Senator Allen, will interview the other personalities about how they incorporate Judaism into their lives. $0.00$0.00Senator Allen Discovers Jewish Rootsfrom BabagaNewz Magazine, Kislev 5767 / December 2006 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will research other notable figures who are Jewish and who draw upon their Judaism to achieve success. They will then stage a forum in which one student, acting as Senator Allen, will interview the other personalities about how they incorporate Judaism into their lives. Printable Lesson:  3701lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet


In this article and lesson, students will discover the connection between the ears, balance, and justice. Students will then think of ways that many different parts of the body can be used to do acts of justice. $0.00$0.00 Amazing Facts Arulanantham Suresh Joachim of Sri Lanka set the world record for balancing on one foot: 76 hours and 40 minutes, from May 22 to May 25, 1997. The greatest 19th-century tightrope walker, Jean Francois Gravelet-alias Charles Blondin-of France, made the earliest crossing of Niagara Falls on June 30, 1859. Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will discover the connection between the ears, balance, and justice. Using this connection as a model for the rest of the body, students will look for other connections between the Hebrew words for body parts, actions, and concepts in the Hebrew language that those body parts are related to. Students will then think of ways that many different parts of the body can be used to do acts of justice. Printable Lesson:  2707lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Chair Diagram


This article exposes the different opinions parents and kids hold when it comes to using the Internet. The lesson provides a structured way for students to discuss their own opinions about parental controls and to discuss how parents judge their kids. $0.00$0.00  David Goldrich, 13, sits at his computer and clicks his mouse with one hand while clenching his other hand into a fist. For the second time today, he's been denied access to a web site that he needs to use to complete a school assignment. Now he's frustrated and angry. There's nothing wrong with David's computer or his computer skills; instead, he's a victim of an overzealous software program that mistakenly blocked him from two harmless, educational web sites. "Be cautious in judgement...and make a fence for the Torah." Pirkei Avot 1:1 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will participate in a values clarification activity to launch a discussion of whether parental controls are negative or positive and how they relate to parents’ judging of their children. Printable Lesson:  1704lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  American Association of School Librarians - To Filter or Not: The Pros and Cons of Using Parental Control Software

Senator Russ Feingold: The Courage of His Convictions

Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin talks to Babaganewz about his job as a Senator, his values, and his Jewish background. He stood up for his beliefs and convictions when he opposed the U.S.A. Patriot Act following 9/11. Although he was the only senator to oppose the act, Feingold remained steadfast. After reading the article, engage your students in a values-clarification activity to explore the courage needed to stand up for one’s convictions. $0.00$0.00  When Senator Russ Feingold rose to address the Senate on October 11, 2001--just one month following the horrendous September 11 attack on the United States--he knew he stood alone. The entire Senate supported the U.S.A. Patriot Act, a series of laws designed to strengthen the government's authority to intercept and obstruct communications between terrorists. But Sen. Feingold, a Democrat from Wisconsin, feared that the bill would endanger civil liberties. "In a place where there are no people, strive to be a person." Pirkei Avot 2:6 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will engage in a values clarification activity to explore the courage needed to stand for one's convictions, even when one is alone in his or her beliefs. Printable Lesson:  6604lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  United States Senate:

Banned in Biology

Students will read about the debate between evolution and creationism. Students will then study the story of Creation and a Talmudic text to help them consider how both the theories of evolution and Intelligent Design can coexist within traditional Jewish belief. $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  Students will study the story of Creation and a Talmudic text to help them consider how both the theories of evolution and ID can coexist within traditional Jewish belief. Printable Lesson:  5609lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Definitions Bereishit

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Humble. Pursuits.

Inspire your students with this interview with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Then work with your students to create an inspirational plaque for their work area (similar to the one described by Justice Ginsburg in the article) that incorporates a piece of Jewish text. $0.00$0.00When former President Bill Clinton asked Ruth Bader Ginsburg why he should appoint her to the Supreme Court, she didn't immediately reply. "I never thought I'd be here," Ginsburg, then a federal judge, shyly admitted, "sitting in front of the president of the United States talking about whether I should be on the Supreme Court." She then explained how she thought she might help end the bitter divisions on the high court over controversial issues. "God guides the humble in justice and teaches the humble God's path." Psalms 25:9 Lesson Summary:  Students will create a definition of the word “humility” by considering the personality traits that humble people possess. Students will create an inspirational plaque for their work area (similar to the one described by Justice Ginsburg in the article) that incorporates a piece of Jewish text. Printable Lesson:  5603lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  List of BabagaNewz Values

Protecting Anonymous Sources

Should reporters reveal anonymous sources?  American law and Jewish law have difering perspectives.  Students can use the guidelines on lashon ha-ra, evil or slanderous speech, to develop their own set of ethical guidelines for journalists. $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  Students will study Jewish texts and act as editors determining content for their publications as a means of exploring this issue. Printable Lesson:  4601lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Proposals Sheet Chofetz Chaim Guidelines

Teach Israel

Experience Modern Israel

New from Behrman House. Fly to Israel without a plane ticket.

Discover Israel

Let's Discover Israel

Offer younger children an exciting and age-appropriate introduction to the Jewish homeland