Exploring the Career of Jacob Behrman and the Growth of Behrman House Publishing

Written by Behrman House Staff, 27 of April, 2015
Behrman House, URJ Create a Path to the Future for URJ Press Educational Materials

When the opportunity arose for a Jonathan Krasner article to feature Jacob Behrman and the history of Behrman House Publishing, we were highly honored. We are also proud to announce that starting April 29th until June 29th you will be able to read the featured article for free. 

Jacob Behrman and the Rise of a Publishing Dynasty explores Jacob Behrman's career as he grew Behrman House from a small Jewish bookseller to the leading publisher of Jewish religious textbooks

"On the face of it, a man with Jacob Behrman's skill-set and disposition was an unlikely candidate to become a successful book publisher," Krasner writes, "...Jacob was well served by his ability to view publishing from a systems perspective. He was adept at assembling creative, editorial, and production teams for each project in the way that a manager builds a ball club, balancing complementarity and synergism."

"In addition I will make the case that Behrman House elevated the field of Jewish education by raising the quality of Jewish textbooks, and that through its ascendancy Behrman House played a role in redefining the goals of Jewish education and its undergirding ideological trust." said Krasner. 

You can read all about Jacob Behrman's life and career and the growth of Behrman House publishing for free from April 29th - June 29th here
