Meet the Publisher: A Story of Innovation and Transformation from David Behrman

Written by Behrman House Staff, 24 of February, 2015

You're invited to explore innovation with David Behrman, CEO and Publisher of Behrman House on Wednesday March 4, 2015, 7:00am-9: 30am, at The Stony Hill Inn, Hackensack, NJ.

David Behrman, an attorney and former McKinsey consultant, represents the third generation leading a 94-year-old business. After evaluating the environmental changes in the world of Jewish education, he and his team and made a conscious decision to invest in and innovate for the future.

Behrman House, under his leadership, made a strategic decision to face the environmental disruptors head on.  The survival of the organization depends on a successful implementation of strategic innovation. David summarized, “I knew if we wanted the business to survive we had to make a substantial investment in technology and change our business model.  We decided to invest to stay relevant today and to be here for the future.”

What processes did they employ to evaluate the threats and opportunities? What challenges did they encounter?  How did they deal with them, and how are they still addressing them? Are you facing similar challenges?

You are going to want to hear this story, regardless of the field you operate in.  Innovation, investment, and transformation change the dynamics of legacy organizations of all kinds.  Your approach and your actions today will affect the long-term survival.  Is the uncertainty worth the risk?

Find out more about practices you can use to foster innnovation in your work. Register now for this dynamnic program at.

