Reflect on Teaching and Learning During Shavuot

Written by Behrman House Staff, 27 of May, 2014
Choose-Your-Own Cheesecake Recipes for Shavuot

As the school year comes to an end, Shavuot offers a uniquely appropriate opportunity for us as teachers to reflect on the year and our students' learning. It is also a moment for us to pause and consider our own thoughts and feelings about some of the questions we ask of our learners during the year.  

These reflection questions, based on the lesson on Talmud Torah from our new student journal Jewish Holidays, Jewish Valuesmight spur your thinking.

What is the best gift you ever received?

The Torah gives us the stories of our ancestors and, together with our tradition of commentary, offers rich opportunities to explore the guidelines we set for how we live--how to be the best Jews and the best people we can be. 

What are some of the ways in which the Torah represents a gift for you?

In what ways do you feel thankful to have the gift of Torah?


With lessons like this from Jewish Holiday, Jewish Valuesyour 4th and 6th grade students have an opportunity to explore and reflect on the ways in which the Jewish values we learn from our holiday stories and traditions can guide them in making decisions every day. They will be able to experience a full year of Jewish Holidays and create connections between what they believe and how they live.

Order Jewish Holidays, Jewish Values now to review for the Fall. (Your preview copy receives a 30% discount, plus shipping; limit one per school)

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