Hebrew in Harmony Products

Curriculum Core

Hebrew in Harmony: Curriculum Core
With fully scripted, timed lesson plans to create dynamic multimedia lessons, student journal answer keys, reproducible word cards, and song lyrics for the music included in that module. Includes art, mindfulness, and movement activities.

Digital Companion

Hebrew in Harmony: Full Digital Access
$9.95 (includes 12-month digital license for all prayer modules)
Each prayer has its own videos, downloadable music, Hebrew reading and recording for students, teacher review and feedback options, games, and more.

Student Journals

Avot V'imahot - $2.95

Barchu - $2.95

Birchot Shalom - $2.95

B'rachot - $2.95

G'vurot- $2.95

Havdalah - $2.95

K'dushah - $2.95

Kiddush - $2.95

L'chah Dodi - $2.95

Ma'ariv & Yotzer- $2.95

Mah Nishtanah - $2.95

Mi Chamocha - $2.95

Shalom Aleichem - $2.95

Sh'ma- $2.95

V'ahavta - $2.95