How to Write Purim Grammen
How to Write Purim Grammen

Grammen (pronounced grah-min) are rhyming songs performed on Purim day to make people laugh. Grammen are performed by one singer, with audience participation. The song is an AABB rhyme set to a specific grammen tune. The singer performs the first line, and then the audience chimes in with its part. The singer performs the second line, and then the audience sings its part, and so on. Click below to hear the grammen tune and an example. To write your own grammen, take out a piece of paper and write the names of the people or events you’d like to write grammen about. Brainstorm a list of qualities they have, things they’re best known for, their favorite (or least favorite) things, and so on. Then use your brainstormed list to write an AABB rhyme about the person and set your poem to the grammen tune. Ideally, your grammen should be funny but tasteful.