Hold On to Hope
Hold On to Hope

When our troubles make us feel as if we need a lifeline, we can cling to these tikvah tips, and the buoyancy of hope will keep us afloat.

Each of us will face problems, challenges, and crises in our lives. As sad as that seems, it is certain. But equally certain is the fact that we'll move past the dilemmas that drag us down, eventually learning to solve them, cope with them, or adapt to them.

  • Hope is the power that helps us see the end of a problem and the beginning of a solution.
  • Hope is the power that helps us see the end of an illness and the beginning of health.
  • Hope is the power that helps us see the end of self-doubts and the realization of our dreams.

Although it may seem difficult, take hold of these nine tikvah tips suggested by Maurice Lamm in his book The Power of Hope.


  1. Trust your hopes, not your fears.
  2. Visualize the possibilities, and never lose sight of them.
  3. Remember that you are the hero of your own life story, and behave like it.
  4. Be patient-but not passive-nothing happens at once.
  5. Make a connection with God, because trust in God is the energy of hope.


  1. Don't dwell on the past.
  2. Don't waste your energy denying that there is a problem. Instead, use your energy to discover a solution.
  3. Don't limit your dreams. Let your imagination and creativity take you where you want to go.
  4. Don't forget that God is your partner.

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No matter what melody you use to sing Adon Olam, the words inspire hope. Attributed to Solomon Ibn Gabirol (1021–1058), Adon Olam glorifies God as the supreme ruler of the world. The song reminds us that despite the grand scale of God’s greatness, God still attends to each and every one of us when we’re in pain: “I place my spirit in God’s care when I sleep. I will awaken. God is with me, I will not fear.”