Hot Topic: Free Range Parenting
Hot Topic: Free Range Parenting

Over the last few generations, the fear of strangers and emphasis on child safety have contributed to the rapid increase in “helicopter” parenting, with parents hovering over their children who are never too far away. In contrast, advocates of free range parenting argue that today’s helicopter parents are too fearful.  How can Jewish texts help us understand these different approaches?

Article, lesson plan and source sheet included.

GRADES: 7-10, 50 minutes

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How much supervision do children require?


LESSON AT A GLANCE:  A Maryland family’s run-in with Child Protective Services sparked a national debate about parenting styles, namely helicopter parenting vs. free range parenting philosophies. In this lesson, students consider when they think children are old enough for various activities. Through study of a Talmudic text, students consider what skills a child needs to develop as they get older, and reflect on how they use those skills to take on new responsibilities.



·         Students will read about different approaches to raising children.

·         Students will study a Talmudic text about the relationship between parents and children.

·         Students will recognize how their past experiences have prepared them for their current and future responsibilities.