Kol Yisrael Visual Tefillah: Birkat Hamazon
Kol Yisrael Visual Tefillah: Birkat Hamazon

In this dramatic PowerPoint presentation, Birkat Hamazon is broken down line-by-line with text in Hebrew and English alongside dramatic photographs illustrating the meaning/intention of the words. Each Kol Yisrael Visual Tefillah presentation also includes background information about the prayer, thought questions, and experiential digital activities.

Visual Tefillah offers many opportunities for creative lessons, services, and activities. Work it into your curriculum as...

  • An activator. Display the presentations on a Smart Board or projector to introduce the prayer to students before they learn it in their books.
  • An engagement tool in worship services. Use a projector to display the graphics with follow along Hebrew for use in regular worship services or as the foundation for an alternative service.
  • Content for one-on-one or small group study. Use the presentations to initiate dialogue for tutoring, online classes, and discussion groups.
  • A source for projects. Make the slides available as printouts or digitally for students to use in project based learning.
See video